
My name is Vikram Kumar and I love to develop games. I have 3 years of experience in flash games and 6 months of experience with createjs. I have previously worked for 7seas, Hyderabad and Kreeda Games, Mumbai, Currently working as the interactive developer at Believe Creative, Hyderabad.

We are doing some nice work with createjs, developing games for kids. I love to adopt new methods and constantly explore latest technologies. I would like to use this blog as a showcase of my work and I would like to post some tutorials and tips that might be really useful.

Apart from GameĀ developing, I like to hangout with friends, play cricket and singing.

One thought on “About

  1. Hey, i am using your bitmaptext class for easalJS and having one issue with that. Is there any way i can set text color of particular characters in text using start and end index?

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